When you set up a new company, there are certain business taxes you’ll be liable for as a business. But have you also planned for the personal taxes you must pay as a director?
As a company director, it’s not just the company’s corporation tax that you have to pay. You also need to pay the requisite taxes on your own income. This might be dividends payments from the company’s year-end profits, or even the income you receive from any property, shares or investments you own.
Knowing which personal taxes to plan for
A fundamental distinction to understand is the difference between company assets/profits and your own personal money.
Money that’s been generated by your company will sit in your business bank account and can be seen as the cash assets of your business. But, as a director, this is not your money. It’s the company’s money. This cash only becomes yours once it’s been paid to you, either as a dividend, a loan or via a salary paid through the company’s payroll.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will charge the company corporation tax on the company’s earnings. But HMRC will also need to charge you income tax on the cash you’ve been paid as a director – and this means planning for these tax costs as part of your wealth management strategy.
As a director, you’ll need to plan for:
Learn more about the basics of directors’ personal tax
If you’d like to have a chat about your self-assessment or capital gains liabilities, please do contact us. The earlier you plan for these taxes, the more you can mitigate their impact.
Get in touch if you have any questions about tax.
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